Tuesday, March 6, 2007

could this be...the final blog??!

Discuss the changes you notice in your understanding and skill with the technical resources and concepts we have used in class.
So if you look back to my first blog you will notice that I had never been very 'lucky' with computers. After struggling with downloading programs and figuring out how things really work I have come to understand that computers are really just machines and it matters how 'good' i am at using them, not so much luck.
I think I will you publisher the most in the class room because I want to teach buisness and I have to meet literacy compencies as well as the business understandings. Next I think I would use adobe the most (it happens to be my favorite tool) because the students will need to create power points and product images and adobe would be a perect tool! Inaddition to ehancing the projects the adobe would help me cover my technology requirements in the classroom.
The movie maker projects were a blast! I feel the program was very basic (perfect for me as a beginner) but I also feel I did not learned everything that it could offer and I would like to research further into the program before teaching it. While using this program I could us the adobe shop photos to help create one giant project for the students to accomplish.
Over all I feel I have learned alot of information. I had trouble downloading the Youtubes from the sites but from that expericance I learned alot about converters and where to find them for free :)
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