Tuesday, January 23, 2007

professional photo shop use. blog 3

I want to teach business in a high school setting. I would like to run a school store. With the skills and tools I learn about photo shop I will be able to create advertisments for the school store as well as teach the students how to do the same. As part of my program I would like to work with an organization called DECA (its like a business club for students to enter business competitions). The photo editing can be used for their powerpoint presentations, projects and even the specific event of advertising they chose to compete in. Sorry not a big talker, so later dudes!

blog 2

Okay lets get down to this photo shop. Alot of the pictures I use are one I have taken durring the past 2 vacations (a trip to the bahamas and a trip to chicago). I also used pictures of my birthday because my sister and I are both in the pictures and you know there is that one person (mom in my case) that always takes the pictures but can never be in them? Ya so I chose to add her to the pictures. The editing is getting easier but I find I mostly just use trial and error to find what I am looking for. I discovered these things called channels.....still dont really know what they do. :) Im excited about the advertising project because I'm a business minor student and am a geeker for that stuff. I figure that these projects and skills I can learn I can use in my business classes as well as teach my students for future class projects. Okay later until next week

Monday, January 15, 2007

Who doesn't like to dance???

I currently dance for a team called 3D urban here at OSU. The website is www.3dance.org . We dance for all sorts of events here at the university and around the general area. Our big event of the year is the competition in April held durring the OSU block party. We use a combination of hip hop, street, jazz and funk.

I also dance for my sorority! Our large performance is durring greek week in the event called variety show. (here we are all in our pink shirts before the big event)

In addition to dancing myself, I also am a volunteer coach at a local recreation center. Here I teach primarly kick and hip hop. But I often include jazz, ballet and pom. Here are some of the girls below. There big event is held in febuary this year, it is Open national championships which we have won last year!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

hello blog 1

To begin me and computers don't get along, you know what I'm saying??

I'm a third year undergrad. in business education. I recently got engaged so I have weddings on the brain. I have a twin sister and I love to dance. I volunteer at a local rec. center as a dance teacher and coach.

I have a cute little dog named Gulley (the g-man).